Paper crafting is works of heart

Paper crafting is works of heart!

Thursday, February 27, 2025

Easter theme tag set non DT project on 27 Feb 2025

 Welcome to Becca's Heart for Creativity blog!

-- from America's heartland!

why: This is a quick post because I've got lots of challenge blogs and DT commitments launching new challenges on Feb 28, March 1 and March 2. There are 4 each day x 3 days in a row = 12 challenge blogs. And many of them I've done 2 projects for!! CutCardStock company has a FB group called "Creating with CutCardStock" administered by Leslie T. Several on the CCS design team I've worked/are working with or have linked to challenge blogs that they've been DT members of in recent years. 

when: February bookmark/tag challenge for a gift card to CCS using CCS product is over February 28, 2025; I've entered 2 projects however more than 1 person has to enter before the gift card will be rewarded!!!! 

what: Easter (religious) theme tag set



1. Wild Blueberry; Pop Tone Grape Jelly, Sea Foam Green, and Conservation Flat Card in White = all cardstock products of CutCardStock

2. oval, butterfly and posy stencils from my stash were used to trace/template three of the shapes

3. circle punch was used for the white = stash/EK Success

4. blue and purple cording = Crafter's Square products

5. "Just for Ewe" stamp = label says Anita's circa 2002 Sugarloaf, Inc.; received this in a kindness box

6. hearts and "Jesus", "trust" and "pray" = part of a religious stencil set that I've had for many years; gifted from a friend

where: #1 = Creating with CutCardStock FB group; shared 2 pics to the February 2025 album

other places to share/link are:

#2. Just Us Girls; 4th week/anything goes with stencil; MY tag set has 3 shapes traced with stencil templates and then 3 words and a trio set of hearts stenciled with ink

link =

badge = 

#3. As You Like It; current; feminine or masculine and why; My tag set and with the majority of my creative projects, I lean more towards feminine because my ultimate favorite color is purple, 2nd or closely linked to #1 is pinks-magenta pink tones even burgundy; I love flowers and butterflies; hearts;....

link =

badge = 

#4. Word Art Wednesday; week 1 of 2 starting Feb 26; anything uplifting, encouraging; not contrary to Scripture; My tag set has Easter/religious symbols like a butterfly for resurrection/change/growth, a lamb/sheep for Lamb of God or people are like sheep needing a shepherd; words: pray, trust, Jesus

link =

#5. note: I own HQFSCAT challenges blog known as Heart's Quest For Shaped Cards and Tags. I can't link this up right now. #2 is closing on Feb 28. #3 begins on March 2nd. I could use it for a last minute reminder posting on February 27 but that doesn't give readers much chance to participate in #2. 

#6. FB groups: CCMWF; BJ & FA; also SIC (Christian/Bible groups)


Crafting in the USA heartland,

Becca S

* DT member only = HAOOCAYR and P-R-S

* manager/DT = MTTC and MTTCChristmas

* owner/DT = CCC as of Feb 25-March 1, 2025/Critter Crazy; AA; ConBC; HQCB, HQFCB/TFATU, HQCOLCB, HQFSCAT; FQCB, FQGS, FQCCCB, FQHSKCB, and FQGGCB. 


  1. Becca... what a fun set of tags! Love the butterfly... and a great way to use your stencils. Thanks for sharing with Just Us Girls this week.

    1. Scanning and just using 2 pics doesn't quite flatter this the best however I like trying different combos of shapes together for a tag set. Thanks for taking time to visit my entry's post.


My heartfelt thanks for visiting my blog.